Zaini, R. M., M. Elmes, O. Pavlov, K. Saeed. “Organizational Dissent Dynamics: A Conceptual Framework.” Management Communication Quarterly. v. 31 (2), 2017: 258-277.
Pavlov, O. and Y.J. Kim. “A Learning Sciences Investigation of Game-Based Structural Debriefing.” In the Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Boston, MA. July 16-20, 2017.
Pavlov, O., M.V. Oet, S.J. Ong. “Financial Instability through the Eyes of the Federal Reserve Bank Supervisors.” In the Proceedings of the 35th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. Boston, MA. July 16-20, 2017.
Pavlov, O. and F. Hoy. “Toward the Service Science View of Education.” In the Proceedings of “EDULEARN17: 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.” Barcelona, Spain. July 3-5, 2017.
Pavlov, O., S. Nikitina, and A. Ilyinsky. “American Students Travel to Russia for Project-Based Learning and Research.” In the Proceedings of “EDULEARN17: 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.” Barcelona, Spain. July 3-5, 2017.
Kim, Y.J. and O. Pavlov. “Game-Based Structural Debriefing: A Design Tool for Systems Thinking Curriculum.” In the Proceedings of “EDULEARN17: 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.” Barcelona, Spain. July 3-5, 2017.
Zaini, R., O. Pavlov, K. Saeed, M. Radzicki, A. Hoffman, K. Tichenor. “Let’s Talk Change in a University: A Simple Model for Addressing a Complex Agenda” Systems Research and Behavioral Science. v. 34 (3), 2016: 250–266.
Pavlov, O. and F. Hoy. “A Service Science Perspective on Entrepreneurship Education.” Department of Social Science and Policy Studies Working Paper No. 2016-002, 2016.
Pavlov, O. and J. Sardell. “Economic Origins of the Mafia and Patronage System in Sicily.” In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Economic Association. Washington, D.C., Feb. 25-28, 2016
Pavlov, O., R. Dailey, L. Jiang, A. Romo, A. Stanley, and C. Peet. “Identifying Moscow Students’ Motivations in Their Career Choices.” In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Economic Association. Washington, D.C., Feb. 25-28, 2016
Cavin, T. and O. Pavlov. “Serial Approval Vote Elections.” In Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association. Washington, D.C., Feb. 25-28, 2016
Kim, Y.J. and O. Pavlov. “Game-Based Structural Debriefing: Development of a Pedagogical Framework for Promoting Systems Thinking Skills.” In Proceedings of the 2016 AERA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., April 8-12, 2016
Pavlov, O., K. Saeed, and L. Robinson. “Improving Instructional Simulation with Structural Debriefing.” Simulation & Gaming: An International Journal. v. 46 (3-4), 2015: 383-403.
Pavlov, O. and F. Hoy. “Education as a Service System.” Contributed Talk, Session WC54: Service Science. In Proceedings of the INFORMS Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. November 4, 2015.
Pavlov, O., J. K. Doyle, K. Saeed, J. M. Lyneis, and M. J. Radzicki. “The Design of Educational Programs in System Dynamics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).” v. 2 (1), 2014: 54-76.
Saeed, K., O. Pavlov, J. Skorinko, and A. Smith. “Farmers, Bandits and Soldiers: A Generic System for Addressing Peace Agendas. “ System Dynamics Review. v. 29 (4), 2013: 237–252.
Panchenko, V., S. Gerasymchuk, and O. Pavlov. “Asset Price Dynamics with Heterogeneous Beliefs and Local Network Interactions.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. v. 37 (12), 2013: 2623–2642.
Pavlov, O. and V. Gotlieb. “A Caribbean Remedy for Financially Sick N.Y. Hospitals & the Primary Care Shortage.” MedCity News, March 6, 2013.
Loiacono E., Djamasbi S., Tulu B., Pavlov O. (2011) Why Virtual Job Recruitment Is Not Well Accepted by Generation Y?—A Case Study on Second Life. In: Jacko J.A. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Applications. HCI 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6764. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Pp. 245-254.
Pavlov, O. “Customer Resources and Economic Sustainability of Online Channels.” The Handbook of Corporate Sustainability: Frameworks, Strategies and Tools, by M. A. Quaddus and M. A. B. Siddique (Eds), Publisher: Edward Elgar, 2011.
Ramos, B., K. Saeed, and O. Pavlov. “The Impact of Universal Service Obligations and International Cross-Subsidies on the Dispersion of Telephone Services in Developing Countries.” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. v. 44 (2), 2009: 57-72.
Plice, R., N. Melville and O. Pavlov. “Toward an Information-Compatible Anti-Spam Strategy.” Communications of Association for Computing Machinery. v. 52(5), 2009: 128-130.
Pavlov, O., N. Melville, and R. Plice. “Toward a Sustainable Email Marketing Infrastructure.” Journal of Business Research. v. 61 (11), 2008: 1191-1199.
Saeed, K. and O. Pavlov. “Dynastic Cycle: A Generic Structure Describing Resource Allocation in Political Economies, Markets and Firms.” Journal of the Operational Research Society. v. 59, 2008: 1289-1298.
Pavlov, O., R. Plice and N. Melville. “A Communication Model with Limited Information-Processing Capacity of Recipients.” System Dynamics Review. v. 24 (3), 2008: 377-405.
Plice, R., O. Pavlov and N. Melville. “Spam and Beyond: An Information-Economic Analysis of Unwanted Commercial Messages.” Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce. v. 18 (4), 2008: 1-29.
Melville, N., A. Stevens, R. Plice and O.V. Pavlov. “Unsolicited Commercial E-mail: Empirical Analysis of a Digital Commons.” International Journal of Electronic Commerce. v.10 (4), 2006: 143-168.
Nichols, M.W., O.V. Pavlov and M.J. Radzicki. “The Circular and Cumulative Structure of Administered Pricing.” Journal of Economics Issues. v. 40 (2), 2006: 517-526.
Pavlov, O. Review of Evolution and Economic Complexity, edited by J. Stanley Metcalfe and John Foster. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 2004. Journal of Economic Issues. v. 40 (3), 2006: 834-836.
Pavlov, O., N. Melville, and R. Plice, “Mitigating the Tragedy of the Digital Commons: The Problem of Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail.” Communications of the Association for Information Systems. v. 16, 2005: 73-90.
Pavlov, O. “Dynamic Analysis of an Institutional Conflict: Copyright Owners against Online File Sharing.” Journal of Economic Issues. v.39 (3), 2005.
Pavlov, O., M. Radzicki and K. Saeed, “Stability in a Superpower-Dominated Global Economic System.” Journal of Economic Issues. v.39 (2), 2005: 491-501.
Pavlov, O. and K. Saeed, “A Resource-Based Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Technology.” System Dynamics Review. v.20 (3), 2004: 237-262.
Day, R.H. and O.V. Pavlov, “Computing Economic Chaos.” Computational Economics. v. 23 (4), 2004: 289-301.
Day, R.H. and O.V. Pavlov, “Do Economies Diverge? Economic Development in the Very Long Run.” In The Divergent Dynamics of Economic Growth by Richard H. Day, Publisher: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 178-202.
Day, R.H. and O.V. Pavlov, “Richard Goodwin’s Keynesian Cobweb: Theme and Variations.” Journal of Macroeconomics. v.24 (1), 2002: 1-15.
Day, R.H. and O.V. Pavlov, “Qualitative Dynamics and Macroeconomic Evolution.” In Cycles, Growth and Structural Change by Lionello F. Punzo (ed.), Publisher: Routledge, 2001.
Contributor to Complex Economic Dynamics, v. II by Richard H. Day, MIT Press, 2000.